
January 2010



from the e.d. a new approach to recruitment & selection alumni impact
fellows selection events coro giving circle

from the e.d.


Over the past year, we have spoken at great length about our renewed focus and commitment to Coro's leadership community of alumni and institutional partners. One of our goals is to provide new opportunities for alumni to connect, collaborate and continue to learn.  In this spirit, I am pleased to share that we have developed new approaches to our recruitment and selection processes.


At Coro, we are training people for a lifelong commitment to participate in the civic life of New York. Identifying the next group of Coro participants- and the future members of our alumni community- is one of the most important decisions we can make.  


In recognition of the great knowledge and wisdom that exists in the Coro community, we want our selection processes for all of our programs to be more participatory, more collaborative, and also provide more opportunities to learn or reinforce skills that are at the heart of the Coro training. 


I invite you to re-engage with Coro and the Coro community at one of our upcoming selection events in the months ahead and as always, I welcome your feedback at


Scott E. Millstein

a new approach to recruitment & selection


With each upcoming program recruitment and selection cycle, Coro will offer opportunities to refresh on Coro methodology, advise on recruitment strategies, and network with alumni in return for your volunteered time. There are three ways you can get involved: 

  • Participate in a Recruitment Alumni Advisory Committee to work with Coro staff to strategize new partnerships & design recruitment and selection events
  • Encourage friends and colleagues to apply for Coro programs and join the Coro community

To learn more, contact Aditi Chakravarty, Recruitment & Outreach Manager.

from the e.d.


Over the past year, we have spoken at great length about our renewed focus and commitment to Coro's leadership community of alumni and institutional partners. One of our goals is to provide new opportunities for alumni to connect, collaborate and continue to learn.  In this spirit, I am pleased to share that we have developed new approaches to our recruitment and selection processes.


At Coro, we are training people for a lifelong commitment to participate in the civic life of New York. Identifying the next group of Coro participants- and the future members of our alumni community- is one of the most important decisions we can make.  


In recognition of the great knowledge and wisdom that exists in the Coro community, we want our selection processes for all of our programs to be more participatory, more collaborative, and also provide more opportunities to learn or reinforce skills that are at the heart of the Coro training. 


I invite you to re-engage with Coro and the Coro community at one of our upcoming selection events in the months ahead and as always, I welcome your feedback at


Scott E. Millstein

alumni impact

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Congratulations to Greg Berman (Fellows Program '93), Executive Director of the Center for Court Innovation (CCI) which was recently awarded the 2009 Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation. CCI was given this prestigious honor for its commitment to innovative solutions to achieve "problem-solving justice", the idea that the court can and should actively address the problems it faces. 


Greg believes that he regularly draws upon his Coro experience, stating "Coro profoundly altered the way I think about how to lead an organization and how to do good in the world.  Coro also provided me with a range of useful connections -- including with financial, legal and political expertise -- that I can call upon whenever I get stuck. Coro has helped give me the tools not only to manage a large and complicated organization, but to keep it at the cutting edge nationally."


Read more about this achievement on CCI's website HERE.



The Coro connection comes full circle with Sarah Johnson (Fellows Program '08). Sarah completed her Labor Placement internship at SEIU 32BJ, the largest property service workers union in the country, and after graduating from the program, went on to become their full-time Political Organizer. Now she is giving back to the Coro community by hosting two of this year's Fellows.


null preview"Each Fellow in our office has been a connection to the Coro community and the lessons learned during my year as a Fellow. We share a common body of experience and vocabulary. At the same time, Fellows, notorious for their relentless question asking, have also led me to reflect with a productive level of discomfort on the work that I do. I am grateful to feel grounded in a supportive and challenging community at Coro."



We always love to hear about alumni impact. To share any news or achievements with the Coro community, please email us here!

fellows selection events

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Identifying the next group of Coro participants- and the future members of our alumni community- is one of the most important decisions we can make.
Join us for the following events:



 1) Finalist Screening Day - February 20th (new!)

The competition for the Fellows program is always intense. Who should be the 30 applicants we invite to Selection Day? This event is an opportunity to vet and select the finalists for the Fellows selection process. The day includes competing-priorities training, re-engagement with group process and an opportunity to network with alumni


a) Half Day option– 10 AM – 1 PM

See Details & RSVP HERE


b) Full Day option – 10 AM – 4 PM

See Details & RSVP HERE


2) Selection Day - March 19th

Selection Day is a unique and interactive day-long interview of the 30 finalists of the Fellows Program in Public Affairs. The Coro community can participate as community judges who evaluate candidates in a series of group activities and individual interviews.



     To learn more, contact Aditi Chakravarty, Recruitment & Outreach Manager


Coro New York Fellows are generously supported by


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coro giving circle


null preview"Coro's programs allow for a unique and meaningful cross-pollination of ideas and relationships between the public and private sectors.  It was important to me to become a Coro Builder to give others a chance to experience and learn from this model firsthand."

– Melissa Román Burch, LNY XVIII                             

Vice President, Forest City Ratner Companies



 Become an investor in Coro's future.  Coro relies on the support of committed individuals to fund our leadership programs.You can still be part of the Coro Giving Circle.  As part of your benefits, you will be invited to exclusive Coro events throughout the year.

Learn more here on how to take part

and many thanks to all of our generous supporters!