Michael Bennet Appointed to U.S. Senate
"An innovator in the public and private sector, he has shown himself willing to challenge old thinking and stale policies."
-- President Barack Obama, quoted in the New York Times, January 3, 2009
Coro New York is thrilled to announce the appointment of Michael Bennet, 1988 Fellows alumnus, to fill the U.S. Senate seat from Colorado. Since his time as Coro over 20 years ago, Mr. Bennet has been engaged in local and national government as the former chief of staff to Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and counsel to the deputy attorney general in the Clinton administration. But, as noted in the New York Times, it was Mr. Bennet's success as the superintendent of the Denver Public Schools that earned him prominence as a candidate for the Senate. In only three years, Mr. Bennet significantly improved the district grading systems and student performance on standardized tests.
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Michael Hickey Talks Housing
Twenty Coro alumni, friends and staff gathered yesterday at the Open Society Institute for a fascinating breakfast conversation led by Michael Hickey, LNYXV alum and the Executive Director of an innovative organization called the Center for NYC Neighborhoods. Hickey provided compelling evidence of the demographic and community impact the mortgage crisis has had on families in Queens, Northern Staten Island, Central Brooklyn and The Bronx, many of whom are losing their homes. Though a long list of strategic community-based partnerships, CNYCN assists those at risk of losing their homes by offering legal services, housing counseling, and consumer education.
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On a Mission to Rebuild Iraq
Tucker Reed, a 2003-04 Fellows Alum, left his position just over seven months ago as the executive director of the DUMBO Business Improvement District (BID) to volunteer with the state department to help rebuild Iraq. In late December, he published an article in the New York Post called "The Relief of Baghdad", which describes the important work he is doing.
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Bill Moyers spotlights Alumna's Project
Sarita Daftary, Leadership New York XIX, is the project director of East New York Community Farms, a project that connects youth and adults to address local food issues and sustainable agriculture. Her work with the project was featured on a recent Bill Moyers broadcast about federal food policy and the way that Americans eat. He cited her project as an example of how low income communities can get local access to healthy, fresh food.
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